Sunday, December 21, 2008

Persimmon Blondies

Originally uploaded by jennconspiracy
These tasty treats were easy to whip up and taste great - they blend persimmon, brown sugar, Chinese 5 spice and chocolate chips into a rich, moist blondie that I am looking forward to making again (with pecans!).

This is another recipe test for Hannah's new cookbook so that means no recipe secrets here!


Jenni (aka Vegyogini) said...

So beautiful! I haven't had a chance to make them yet because, for some reason, the persimmon supply in L.A.'s Whole Foods and Trader Joe's markets has vanished! I'm keeping up the search, though, and I'll make them as soon as I can. :)

Jenni (aka Vegyogini) said...

I finally made these and they were amazing!

Marguerite Manteau-Rao said...

Thanks Jenn! Will have to save for next year, as persimmons are becoming too scarce and expensive . . .

Anonymous said...

Thank You For Sharing

Anonymous said...

by the gods those sound amazing! for some reason there are no known edible mushrooms growing in the forest of my Cincy ecovillage. the land needs some kind of healing, me thinks.